There is no question that the best thing about half term is the fact that there is no alarm clock in the morning, no groaning as the radio comes on at 6.30 and for a week, I don't have to drag myself out of bed. Instead I can listen to my other half getting up whilst I snuggle back down under the duvet and go back to sleep. Even my youngest has now been trained. Although I hear him getting up, he no longer comes in to tell me he is getting up, going to the toilet, about to read a book, or going downstairs. He just does it - perfect!
Of course once I venture from the safety of my bedroom I realise why I was in no rush to get up as there is not a minute of the day to call my own. The boys are all very good but each has their own agenda. I still sort out the play dates for my youngest and need to ensure that he has a few arrangements during the week to keep him happy. At the other end of the scale Duvet Boy does not appear until the end of the morning. He is happy to chill at home and will make some plans, but nothing that is too taxing. His twin still knows what a morning is and is probably more sociable but they are both so disorganised. I don't understand why every arrangement is only planned the night before, or the morning they are seeing their friends. This would be fine if they didn't need dropping off or collecting from somewhere miles away just as I am making lunch or trying to put the youngest to bed! My middle one probably finds it the hardest during the holidays, because he is not as independent as the oldest but is too big for me to make plans for him. He loves his mobile but is not quite as physically attached to it as his brothers and not quite as practised at using it to organise his life.
Half term is lovely as a week is the right amount of time to recharge the batteries without anyone getting bored. The cinemas are very kind and ensure there are loads of films which are out just in time for the holidays, and occasionally we find something that everyone wants to see. This week it has to be The Muppets, and even I am looking forward to this one. There have been a few corkers over the years and it has been known for me to fall asleep on more than one occasion but I am feeling hopeful about this one.
Intermingled with the boys' social life there is normally at least one appointment for dentist, optician or orthodontist, to ensure check ups don't mean time missed from school. This week we are quite fortunate and only have a mass trip to the barber. Obviously the older children are very specific about who cuts their hair as they want a certain look, and we need to ensure the appointment isn't too early for Duvet Boy, but we have managed to fit this in.
The other thing which always amazes me during the holidays is the amount of food they get through. I will cook one 'proper' meal but the second is a freezer or easy meal. It is very rare for anyone to have a sandwich for a light lunch. This is saved for the snack mid way through the evening and isn't deemed big enough for a meal. I understand that I have two teenagers and one nearly teenager who are all growing, but how can they be so skinny when they eat so much? I want to be on whatever diet they are on, eat as much as you can and a lot of it rubbish and never put on an ounce!
But I cannot chat any more, youngest has a friend here and they need lunch, but before that happens another has to be dropped off at the station. Duvet Boy is up and needs feeding as well and middle one isn't feeling too good. I need to remember to take one friend home and make sure I am organised with supper so that I can be out in time for football training later. Not sure what time eldest and his friend are coming back from the cinema and hoping he will be sleeping tonight as he is seeing The Woman In Black', but it will be fine and at the end of it husband will cook me a romantic Valentine's meal which hopefully will just be for the two of us, but in reality could be catering for up to six - I really do love half term.
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