I consider myself very lucky to say that my Mum was my best friend. I am not trying to be slushy in the lead up to Mother's Day but it was the truth. Slightly off the wall with a great sense of humour she could relate to any person of any age. Once she started laughing at something she could sit with my brother or me and 20 minutes after a joke had been made still be laughing with tears rolling down her cheeks. Completely obsessed with Kids from Fame she took me to see them, and it was special because it was my first proper concert. She would take my brother to football matches and when she got tickets for Arsenal against Manchester United she was the only person I know who could get away with cheering when United scored even though we were sitting in the Arsenal end.
Even when I was younger I appreciated how lucky I was to have this relationship. Friends would come and talk to her about things they couldn't discuss at home and people were always welcome. Of course things weren't perfect and we did have arguments as teenagers do, but with my Dad away a lot on business the three of us at home had a very close bond.
I lost my mum when I was 19 after she had struggled with cancer for four years and like anyone who has lost someone close to them it is hard when they are not there for the milestones in your life. She missed my graduation, first proper job, buying a house, marriage and the birth of my children. In the first few years after she died when Mothers Day would appear it felt like it was everywhere reminding me of what I had lost, but the years do give perspective now Mothers Day arrives and I am a parent myself.
I know that this Sunday there will still be football, parties and the usual amount of running around, but I also know that the boys will try and make the day special. A home made card from my youngest, a cup of tea or even to have control of the TV remote would be lovely. It is nice to have acknowledgement for my role in the family. Having an unpaid job where you have no time off and there are an unbelievable amount of customer relation issues, chauffeur duties, administrative requirements, and an all day restaurant service it is lovely to feel that you are appreciated!
I know that if she were here my Mum would love her grandsons and tell me to enjoy every minute of every day as this time is special. I hope that one day my boys will look back and think they had a good relationship with me as they grew up. If they feel half as proud to have me as their mum as I felt about my own mother then I think I will have done a pretty good job.
Do you have a best memory of something you did with your Mum as you were growing up? Is there some advice she gave that you still live by? Let us know something that your Mum has done or still does to make your life better and you can win the compete first and second season of Castle on DVD. Just follow or become a member and post your comment underneath.
Comp closes 11.59 on 23 March 2012
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