Monday, 9 April 2012

An Easy Easter?

I am under no illusions that in my house it is impossible to please all the people all the time.  In fact if I can get to 75% I think I am doing a pretty good job.  On a day to day basis this is pretty do-able but over a long bank holiday weekend it is lot more demanding.

Weather plays a big part on the equanimity of my brood.  A bit of sunshine and a decent temperature and everyone is far more positive about the possibility of venturing out.  However if it is cold enough to need the heating on and the rain hasn't stopped since the night before it is not so easy.

This weekend was not helped by the fact I wasn't well.  My youngest kindly gave me his sickness bug and without going into too many gory details I was fit for nothing and spent most of the Friday in bed. As any parent knows this is not a decision taken lightly and thinking back I am sure the last time I was in bed in all day I was in labour giving birth to said youngest! 

Things did pick up and apart from one (who had wrangled tickets to a football match) the rest of us managed a few hours out with friends on Sunday afternoon which was good fun.  There had been the normal complaints prior to leaving but this is standard and I try to not to get riled by it, although I do sometimes wonder if I ever complained as much.  Perhaps my perceptions have changed over the years but I always thought going out was quite fun!  Anyway, we went out, everyone seemed to have a good time and we all returned home quite upbeat which meant only one day left of the long weekend.

I awoke to the dreaded sound of heavy rain against the window and knew it was going to be a very long day.  Nobody knew what they wanted to do, and none of the boys were happy with any suggestions put to them (obviously at this point Duvet Boy was still asleep so didn't take part in this discussion).  

Plans were made but there was a lot of bickering and arguing.  It was one of those days when referee would have been a better title than parent, and it wasn't helped by the fact that my other half could smile quietly to himself whilst all this is going on as he knows tomorrow is escape day.  He will have left before any of the boys are up, and won't return until youngest is going to bed and the others have hopefully mellowed.  

Of course we survived in tact even if some of us finished more stressed than others.  Planning is being finalised for the remainder of the holidays and usual duties will be resumed in the morning.  I think that under the circumstances things went as well as they could have done and now I am just hoping for a bit of sunshine before the May bank holiday.

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