Thursday, 23 January 2020

Pink Hope - The Start

                                                                On Your Marks.....

Having true friends who really know you can be a mixed blessing, because when one says to me "I really need a new challenge," and talks to me about how much we enjoyed previous walks, how good they are as a means of means committed training and focus, I suddenly find me self facing the reality that on April 11th I will be taking part in a 50km walk in Windsor.

When I sign up for a new challenge there is always an initial feeling of euphoria that I am doing something worthwhile and hopefully raising money for charity.  This time is no different and two great causes have been chosen that are both celebrating milestone birthdays.   Breast Cancer charity Pink Ribbon is 20 years old and New Hope in Watford (which works to support homeless people) is  30 years old - hence the 50km challenge!

However, once the reality of the challenge sinks in there is always a moment of blind panic and doubt.  Can I finish the walk?  Will I be able to do all the training?  Will I get the sponsorship that
the charities deserve?  In my heart I know I will always do the best I can, and that any money raised is worthwhile, but it takes a sleepless night to remember that!

A 10km walk was completed quite comfortably on week 1.  Happily my trainers are  worn in but new enough to use, and were comfortable to wear.  This week it was extended to 14km.  It was a very cold morning and the sort of day where I would normally have stayed snuggled under a blanket, but a few layers on and I was good to go.  Dry and bright, the sun came out and it ended up being a beautiful winters day.  In my head the distance covered is just over 25% of the total, so its a positive start.

Lets see what next week brings.....

If you want to support Pink Hope please visit:

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