Thursday, 5 January 2012

A Gripe About Over The Counter Selling

With all of my boys back at school today I felt ready to face the list of jobs that had been growing during the Christmas holidays.  This included going to various banks and building societies, and whilst I was paying in and taking out my money I couldn't believe how many things the staff were trying to sell me.
At the first bank it was a credit card, a loan and a savings account, and at the second it was another credit card, and both children and adult's saving accounts.  Even at the Post Office where all I wanted was to post a parcel and buy some stamps I was asked about switching to their phone land line and getting top ups for my mobile.  Although I pretended I had just switched phone company so I didn't need to listen to the sales patter the cashier was very diligent and still kept going.  At least if they are on the phone you can politely cut them off and put the phone down but face to face it is more difficult to escape quickly without being rude.
I appreciate that the staff are only selling what they are told, and I am sure there are quotas, but when you go into a bank with two tellers and seven people waiting it's so frustrating having to wait for longer than necessary because you can hear the staff are trying to sell contents insurance to someone who is really not interested.
As we are all too aware economically things are tough for everyone.  If a savings account is needed most people will shop around for the best deal before they open it. I wonder how many customers actually say "Hey, that's a really good idea, let me give you my money now and sort this out.  I have a lot of time and am able to sit down immediately.  I don't want to compare what you are offering with anyone else, and am more than happy to tie my money up with you and for it to be in a not to be touched account for the next five years."
Perhaps I am getting to hett up.  I should forget about the banks and think about food shopping before the weekend.  Then I will be able to buy some Easter eggs.  Oh no, I feel another moan coming on.........

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