Monday, 2 January 2012

Resolution or Reflection?

At this time of year I always feel bombarded with articles and comments about New Year resolutions.  Whether it is on Twitter, Facebook or from friends everyone wants to know if you have a resolution.  It would be easy to answer with the standard I would like to lose weight/get fitter/do more exercise/tone up answer that I have used for many years, but the truth is that this is just a constant in my life that I lapse in and out of all year and I never get a physique or weight that I am totally happy with.
I could resolve to ensure that my children spend less time in front of the TV and X-Box and more quality time either with me or doing more constructive things, but in my house this is viewed as a war and although both sides win battles at different times there is no overall winner or loser and so this probably doesn't count.
So can I think of a resolution or should I approach this from a different angle? Perhaps I should just view the new year as the next chapter in my life.  Each year will bring it's own highs and lows and each year is a chapter in my book.  As this is the start of chapter forty something what would I like to include in it? Are there elements I want to change in my life or new things I need to add?  To answer this requires a step back from the day to day vagaries of my life.  I know that I am very lucky to have four (and in my opinion very handsome if sometimes temperamental) sons, a husband who I may moan about occasionally, but who is supportive and loves me, a home which needs some work here and there but is generally ok, and great family and friends.  I am very fortunate and I should appreciate all that I have, but that doesn't mean that I don't need to make some changes.
I know that I want my Blog to be very successful in 2012 and to try something new in my work life.  A business I have been running for a long time has now closed and a fresh challenge is needed.  I am not sure what this is yet but it is something I need to do for me and now my boys are older it is something I can give more attention to.  I have a family function to organise later in the year that will be a big event and I want to make sure it is successful and fun for everyone who is there.  I love the theatre and concerts and if I have the opportunity (and money) hope to go to both.  There are many aspects of this chapter in 2012 where the pages are blank and it will not be completely filled until the end of December 31, but in the meantime I am not making any quick fire resolutions just some thoughts, hopes and plans that I can fulfil over the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. yes 4 handsome boys indeed. Though I am surprised, no shocked, that Mr L hasn't insisted you add how handsome HE is too!! hahaha. I love reading your blog, it's fab. Well done xx
